Rules and Safety


This is the official version of the AYSO Rules & Regulations, effective May, 2012 as ratified by the Executive Members at the 2012 National Annual General Meeting (NAGM) in Seattle, Washington. The National Rules & Regulations describe how AYSO runs age specific programs and games including expectations for participation, details on team formation, registration requirements and player uniform rules.

AYSO Rules & Regulations


Here are a few important rules for Region 727.

No smoking at the fields. No tobacco products are allowed around the playing fields.

No pets allowed at games or practices. Not all children like dogs. Some are very afraid of them. Keep dogs at home, you can tell them how the game went when you get home. Since most of our fields are near a walking park where dogs are welcomed we ask that pets stay on the walking track and do not come near the playing areas.

No transfer of player from one team to another unless authorized by the Regional Commissioner, Coaching Staff, Coaches and Parents.

All players must wear shinguards to every practice and games to participate

No jewelry is to be worn during the games or practices. This includes just pierced earrings. They have to come out during the game. sweat band, knee & elbow pads are allowed unless the referee feels they are unsafe

All volunteers and players must be registered to participate in games and practices. Region 124 wants to protect children and volunteers. Make sure you register.

Goal Safety

Region 727 has both permanent and portable goals that are used.
The portable goals were made to be safe but can be dangerous if climbed on or not secured properly.
Coaches along with all volunteers are informed about goal safety at the volunteer meeting.
Everyone must follow these basic rules:
Never allow anyone to climb or hang on the goals especially the portable ones.
Do not climb on the nets either.
Make sure portable goals are anchored securely to the ground with the anchor ties/stakes.
Report any damaged pipe, loose connections or anchor problems immediately to a coach/referee and/or Safety Director to get the problem fixed.
By not following the goal safety rules, someone will get seriously hurt or die from an unsecured portable goal.


Players are required to register to be covered by AYSO's insurance. If they are not registered please do not allow them to play. Keep a copy of each player's registration form with you at all practices and games. It serves as a medical treatment release.